RootParameterSet not working - CATIA API
Uživatel | Příspěvek |
Nirantar Vidyarthee Poslat zprávu | Profil |
5.5. 2023
| Zobrazeno:
969x Konfigurace CATIA: V5 Text dotazu: |
Ing Jan Cinert Poslat zprávu | Profil |
| Publikováno:
05.05. 2023 - 13:09 Hi,
I did a quick test and it seems this is normally working. Have a look at the attached image with a small example. The script always returns what is expected. A tip for you. Try to use object Document.Product.ReferenceProduct.. instead of Document.Product, maybe it helps.... |
Nirantar Vidyarthee Poslat zprávu | Profil |
| Publikováno:
05.05. 2023 - 15:12 Appreciate your prompt response.
I am trying to access the parameters of the Top ProductDocument. I was expecting that the default parameters like 'Part Number' could be accessed through RootParameterSet which I now understand was wrong. When I added a user parameter to the top assembly, then count showed 1. Since I am accessing Top Assembly Document, there is no need to use ReferenceProduct property. Also, it now seems that the RootParameterSet can contain only User Defined parameter. (DirectParameters property). So, I am just wondering what additional parameters can AllParameters collection contain. |
Ing Jan Cinert Poslat zprávu | Profil |
| Publikováno:
10.05. 2023 - 18:42 The RootParameterSet represents the "container" where users parameters are strored (and also located in tree).
PartNumber (and Description, Revision etc) are properties of a Product object (but also can be accesed like parameters), and the last group of parameters is UserRefProperties. The best approach how to access the specific parameter is via Item method. I am not 100% sure at the moment but I think that the collection Part / Product.Parameters contains all in Part / Product existing parameters. Only when you want to list parameters of specific set you can play with ParametersSet. There is also a method Sublist which returns nested (or maybe better said added) user parameters e.g. in a Sketch etc. |
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