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V tabulce jsou všechny příspěvky uživatele Ivan Kaněv (Kanev) řazené podle témat. Kliknutím na název téma se zobrazíte celou diskusi.

Clash detection v rámci Part Designu 24.3. 2017 Dobrý den,
nakonec jsem problém vyřešil pomocí makra (viz níže).
Makro vytvoří nový produkt a vloží každé body jako nový Part s Linkem, takže je pak možno v rámci sestavy kontrolovat kolize atd.
Makro nevytváří zvlášť Party pro Body použitá v Booleanských operacích.
Funguje pro V5R19

' original Makroname = copyPARTtoPRODUCT.CATScript
' Makroname = PARTtoPRODUCT_R19.CATScript
' Author: Filippo Gozza
' Version: V5R10, V5R12
' Konvertiert ein CATPart in ein CATProduct
' Alle Koerper werden in CATPart's konvertiert

Language = "VBSCRIPT"

Dim KomponenteNeu As Products
Dim KoerperName
Dim OpenKoerperName
Dim hybridBodies As document
Dim Koerper As Object
Dim QuellFenster As Window
Dim Letztekoerper
Dim UserSel As selection

Sub CATMain()

Dim Activdocu As document
Set Activdocu = CATIA.ActiveDocument

' Neue Product
Dim PosString As Long

partName = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Name

Dim docu As Documents
Set docu = CATIA.Documents

Dim productDocu As document
Set productDocu = docu.Add("Product")

Dim ProductNeu As product
Set ProductNeu = productDocu.product

PosString = InStr(1, partName, ".CATPart")
ProductNeu.PartNumber = Mid(partName, 1, PosString - 1)


Set QuellFenster = CATIA.Windows.Item(1)

Dim partBodies As Bodies
'Set Activdocu = CATIA.ActiveDocument
Set partBodies = Activdocu.Part.Bodies

Dim koerperAnzahl
koerperAnzahl = partBodies.Count

Dim UserSel As Object
Dim PartNeu As product
Dim workPart As PartDocument
For I = 1 To koerperAnzahl

Set Koerper = partBodies.Item(I)
'Koerper in Boole'sche Operation verwendet
If Koerper.InBooleanOperation = False Then

KoerperName = Koerper.Name

If Right(KoerperName, 1) = "\" Then
KoerperName = Left(KoerperName, Len(KoerperName) - 1)
End If

KoerperName = Replace(KoerperName, "\", "_")

'Koerper kopieren
Activdocu.selection.Add Koerper

'Part erzeugen und Koerper einfuegen
On Error Resume Next
Set PartNeu = ProductNeu.Products.AddNewComponent("Part", CStr(KoerperName))
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
On Error GoTo 0
l = ProductNeu.Products.Count
Set PartNeu = ProductNeu.Products.Item(l)
KoerperName = KoerperName & "." & I
PartNeu.PartNumber = KoerperName
ProductNeu.Products.Item(l).Name = KoerperName & ".1"
On Error GoTo 0
End If

' Fenster mit neue Product activieren

' Alle Parts suchen
PartSuchen ProductNeu.Parent, UserSel

ProductNeu.Parent.selection.Add ProductNeu.Products.Item(PartNeu).ReferenceProduct.Parent.Part
'Variante 2: Einfuegen als "toter Solid"
ProductNeu.Parent.selection.PasteSpecial "CATPrtResult"

'eingefuegten Koerper zum PartBody machen und Ex-PartBody loeschen
Set workPart = ProductNeu.Products.Item(PartNeu).ReferenceProduct.Parent
If workPart.Part.Bodies.Count > 1 Then
workPart.Part.MainBody = workPart.Part.Bodies.Item(workPart.Part.Bodies.Count)
ProductNeu.Parent.selection.Add workPart.Part.Bodies.Item(1)
End If
End if

' Product actualisieren
ProductNeu.ApplyWorkMode DESIGN_MODE
On Error Resume Next
If Err <> 0 Then
MsgBox "Problem with update!" & vbLf & vbLf & "Please update manual!", vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "Update-Error"
End If
On Error GoTo 0

End Sub

Sub PartSuchen(oPartDoc1, UserSel)

Dim E As Object 'CATBSTR
Dim Was(0)
Was(0) = "Part"

'Dim UserSel As Object
Set UserSel = oPartDoc1.selection

'Let us first fill the CSO with all the objects of the model
UserSel.Search ("CATPrtSearch.PartFeature,all")

'E = UserSel.SelectElement2(Was, "Alle CATPart wahlen", True)
'Letztekoerper = UserSel.Count

End Sub

Sub FensterNebeneinander()

Dim windows1 As Windows
Set windows1 = CATIA.Windows

windows1.Arrange catArrangeTiledVertical

End Sub